Social Networking: Your Kids are On it - You Should Be Too - March 27 @ NOON

Today's kids have access to so many ways to communicate that it can be boggling.  Join Tom Duffy, Chair of the Computer Science Department at Norwalk Community College, for a lunchtime workshop to help de-mystify social networking.  Tom will discuss the predominate tools your kids are using and how you can help them avoid a disastrous mistake.  Everything from Internet filtering to Facebook to Instagram to text messaging will be on the table.  Nothing is off-limits!  Wednesday, March 27 at 12 noon at the Rowayton Library.  Professor Tom Duffy is the Chair of the Computer Science Department and the Program Coordinator for the Computer Science degree.  He teaches courses in Web Development, XML, Java, and Mobile Devices.  Tom holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Master of Arts degree in Mathematics/Computer Science from Western Connecticut State University. He is the owner of Bright Moments Software - a software company specializing in Web Technologies.  Tom has recently published Programming With Mobile Applications, his second book.  Brown-bag lunch.  Dessert and refreshments will be served.  Please RSVP at 203-838-5038 or email

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