My Ideal Bookshelf - Thursday, March 7 @ 7pm

          The books that we choose to keep and display-let alone read-can say a lot about who we are and how we see ourselves. You are invited to the Rowayton Library on Thursday evening, March 7 @ 7pm to share your favorite books with the community as we get ideas for and from our book clubs, families, and friends which books you might keep on your "Ideal Bookshelf."  You are invited to a wine and cheese social discussion about what books define our Rowayton culture... with author Page McBrier.    In preparation for this event, we have an Ideal Bookshelf form at the Rowayton Library - or online at our website at  Fill in the titles of the ten books you can't live without.  And feel free to add more books on either end if ten won't suffice.   

Questions to ponder as you choose your books:
·       Is there a book that had a profound effect on you at a certain point in your life?
·       Name a book that features a favorite character. 
·       Name a book that features your most unforgettable character.
·       What book made you want to find out more about the author?
What book couldn't you put down?

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