Rowayton Reindeer Crossing: 06853

The Rowayton Post Office is now accepting letters addressed to Santa Claus.  A special mailbox has been installed inside the post office on Rowayton Avenue just for those special delivery letters.  Even though Santa is extremely busy at the North Pole, making sure all the presents are ready and wrapped for Christmas Eve, it’s a very exciting time for all; Rudolph and Santa can’t wait to come to Rowayton. Rudolph is especially looking forward to eating the carrots you kindly leave and maybe a cookie for Santa.  To ensure Santa receives your letter on time, please place them in this special mailbox or mail them to:
Santa Claus
c/o The Rowayton Post Office
Rowayton CT 06853
before December 21.  Make sure you include your name and address (clearly written) in your letter.  Santa will respond to as many letters as possible, in between getting the sleigh ready for the long journey on Christmas Eve.  Be good and enjoy your holidays.

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