Help fight Hunger during this Holiday Season

The Rowayton Library is asking you to help fight hunger during this Holiday Season by donating a can of soup or two. Food collected during this campaign will be given to Person-to-Person… helping others… one person at a time.

Person-to-Person’s Emergency Food Pantry provides groceries for clients to prepare three meals a day for seven days. 

Please consider purchasing an extra can of soup or two when you do your holiday food shopping.   Other items to donate include:  Peanut-Butter, Jelly, Oatmeal, Dry Cereal, Juice in Plastic Bottles, Juice Boxes, Jell-O, Coffee (Instant or Ground), Boxed Tea Bags, Canned Meat (Spam; Chicken), Canned Soups, Saltines, Canned Tuna, Canned Spaghetti and Ravioli... You can drop off these items in at the Rowayton Library.  

Thank you. 

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