Tapping Your People’s Potential, Co-sponsored by SCORE of Norwalk, Tuesday, May 20 – 6 to 8 p.m.

On-site registration begins at 5:30 p.m.

In this highly interactive workshop, Richard Lewine presents a time proven, 9 step goal setting process. His explanation of the technology and art of goal setting, along with Mr. Lewine’s proprietary tools, ensure that each member can use the technology after they leave the working session.

Attendees will learn about tapping people’s untapped potential; focusing on what you want, not what you think you will get; results management vs. endless meetings; tracking with key function indicators; aligning personal and business goals; strategic vs. operational goals; and cascading organizational goals systems.

Richard S. Lewine is founder and President of RSL Consulting Group, LLC, an organization development consultancy. He has over 35 years experience working with leaders of non-profit and for profit small and mid-size organizations.

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