Calling ALL PETS! Pets of Rowayton READ Posters

The Rowayton Library will pay tribute to the "Pets of Rowayton" for the sixth year – this coming March on the library's website

So, let us honor your Rowayton Pet by making a READ Poster with their picture – to inspire the children of this community to READ! 

Please visit the Rowayton Library’s SPECIAL website and fill out the form, attach a JPG format picture of your Pet (no people), and tell us your Pet's name, Breed/species/etc., your Pet's age, and funny anecdotes you want to include - or just tell us how special your pet is to you and your family. Include your name, your address, and your telephone number.

We will be happy to post your pet's picture on the Library's website.  The Library staff will create READ posters with these pictures and post them in Rowayton and at Rowayton Elementary School as well as provide the owners with a copy of the poster of their pet.  This is a free program and is open to all pets in Rowayton, CT. Deadline February 28, 2013.

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