Take a Practice SAT/ACT... FREE

High School kids are invited to take a free practice SAT/ACT test hosted by Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions at the Rowayton Library on Saturday, January 12 @ 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 

Kaplan will proctor this simulated examination for students to learn what they can expect on the college admission tests. This three and a half hour practice test will familiarize you with the English, Math, Reading and Science Reasoning parts of the ACT as well as the new areas in the SAT. There is a short snack break half way through the exam. 

Students must pre-register for this test online at testprep.rowayton.org or by calling the Library at 203-838-5038 prior to the practice test date. Space is limited. Those taking the test must also bring two #2 sharpened pencils and a calculator to the exam. Test results will be returned to the students in the weeks following the practice exam.  Register today.  Space is limited.

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