Sign Up for World Book Night

Your Rowayton Library is a host site for World Book Night

Volunteer to be a “book giver” on World Book Night U.S – April 23, 2013. It’s free (and so are the books).

On World Book Night 2013, 25,000 “book givers” will each give away 20 copies of a specially-printed, not-for-resale WorldBookNight edition of a book they have read and loved (from this year’s WBN list, selected by librarians and booksellers) to complete strangers – people who may never have owned a book of their own. Book givers receive 20 free paperback copies of one World Book Night title, not too many to carry but enough to share with a good number of potential new readers.

You can participate in WBN 2013 by applying to become a Book Giver. If you are interested in applying to be a Book Giver (the Rowayton Library will be the distribution site for the books), please visit The deadline to apply to be a book giver is January 23, 2013.

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