Gardening 101 for Kids... Wednesday, May 1 @ 3:30pm

Gardening 101

Lets take a look at trees!

We see trees everywhere, especially here around the library.

Were you aware of the many jobs each tree does to help our environment every day? 
Did you know that for every rain storm that each tree protects thousands of gallons of runoff from entering Long Island Sound? 
Were you aware of how much wildlife is supported by each tree?

If you are a kid who is 8 or older, join Carol Giunta of the Rowayton Gardeners on a walk around the Rowayton Community Center to look at and maybe even learn how to identify some of our different trees. In the case of rain, we'll be inside looking at the parts of different trees.

Wednesday, May 1st at 3:30pm Reservations, please!

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