Thursday, April 18 @ 11:30am – Senior Safety Issues Seminar

          There are many questions surrounding the issues facing aging seniors.  Family & Children’s Agency is here to speak to you about them. Family & Children’s Agency is offering a seminar for Caregivers or children of the senior or disabled person who is in need of assistance.  Family & Children's Agency Social Worker and RN Supervisor will speak about... where you can turn when you’re senior or disabled loved one is in need of assistance.  How to know when a senior needs assistance to live safely at home, Fall prevention, and Care for the caregiver.  Family & Children’s Agency is your nonprofit trusted advisor ready and available to answer your questions and assist seniors and the disabled so they may live successfully in their home.  A light lunch will be served.  Reservations please.  This program is free and open to the public.  203-838-5038 or email

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