The New Yorker Magazine Breakfast Club to meet in December

On Thursday morning, December 6 @ 9:30am, the Rowayton Library’s New Yorker Magazine Breakfast Club will meet for the last time for the season to discuss recent articles and cartoons in the magazine.  Author (The Book Club Companion) Diana Loevy will be our discussion leader.  Coffee and breakfast treats will be served.  This program is free and open to the public.  Multiple copies of the New Yorker Magazine are already available to get back into the swing of reading The New Yorker magazine.  

Articles to be discussed...

From the Oct. 29 and Nov. 5th double issue:
pg. 50 Sark Spring by Lauren Collins
pg. 70 Washington Man by George Packer
pg. 108 Can Geography Explain History by Adam Gopnik

From  Nov. 12 issue:
pg. 40 Ask Betty by Judith Thurman
pg. 77 Books: Iron Curtain by Louis Menand
pg. 90 Theatre: The Heiress by Hilton Als

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